Saturday, March 8, 2008

Chapter 13: Children's Literature Briefly

I really do love biographies! I remember in grade school if I had to read a biography I would always choose one on Martin Luther King Jr. or Rosa Parks. I can also remember having to write a report about the person's life and that was so boring. I will come up with extension lessons after my students read biographies. It would be neat to have an "Autobiography Day". My students could research about a person from history. Then, they could dress up and be that person for the day. They each could get time to present their own story about their own lives.

I also think short biography books would be a good introduction for a social studies lesson about a particular person! I really do think books can be a wonderful introduction to a lesson in social studies, sciencec, and even math. I am really beginning to enjoy children's books and am constantly making trips to Hasting's and Barnes and Noble to see if they have any specials...that could get pretty expensive but at least my students will have a wide selection of books to choose from.

Tunnell, Michael O. and James S. Jacobs. Children's Literature, Briefly. 4e. Upper Sadle River NJ: Pearson/Merrill Prentice Hall, 2008.

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