Thursday, January 24, 2008

Minn and Jake

I really enjoyed this book. I liked how the vocabulary used painted a picture in your head about what was going on. For example, the words used such as "yak, yak, yak", "wahoooooo", "squirt, squirt, squirt", "squirt, dig, splot" all paint a picture of what the action is in the story. Since there are not many pictures in this book, I feel these vivid words are important to really use your imagination. This book would be entertaining for children because of the language used.

Wong, Janet S. Minn and Jake. Illus. Genevieve Cote. New York: Francis Foster Books, 2003.


Aspiring Teacher: said...


I like how you described the book. It was very creative to use the actual terminology from the book. Nice job!

Denisse said...

This book is my absolute favorite! I truly enjoyed reading it because it reminded me of the "simpler" days in which one's biggest worries were about other kids wanting to be friends. I also liked how the pictures really captured the story.

Courtney Forbess said...

I didn't think about how descriptive the books words were until you mentioned it. But I definitely agree, I made it an easy fun read!!