Sunday, February 3, 2008

Craft Lesson 3: Minn and Jake

This book does touch on a lot of subjects, but I feel math could be integrated into curriculum planned for this book.

How To Teach It:
The height difference between Minn and Jake was very obvious throughout the text. I think it would be interesting to see how tall each student is in the classroom. You could have the students group up and measure each other with measuring tapes. You could have the students calculate the difference between each other in their groups and eventually all the students in the classroom. Then you could plot the heights on a piece of long construction paper on the wall making it into a physical representation. To expand this activity you could have the students measure each other's feet, arms, and legs. This would be a fun activity to get your students moving around the classroom but, yet, still using math because of the measuring, addition, and subtraction taking place.

1 comment:

Jessica Howard said...

I like this idea. Depending on the age group, I think they would have a lot of fun with it. The three year old that I babysit loves to measure herself...and then measure me, or figure out how much she weighs... kids just love to learn about themselves!